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If you need to have a respectful and healthy relationship with your family members

  • 1 hora 30 minutos
  • 120 dólares estadounidenses
  • Face-to-Face

Descripción del servicio

If you need to have a respectful and healthy relationship with your family members, this therapy is for you. It's a very detailed analysis of our family loyalties within our family tree. It is based on the work of the astrologer and psychologist Enzo de Paola. Our family has a very important role in our life, but what happens if being part of that family makes us betray ourselves, distance ourselves... from who we are... from what makes us happy. The crucial importance is to recognize and be aware of our family loyalties, realizing that these loyalties open a path to our own personal liberation in any aspect of our life and lead us towards a more fulfilled life. By healing conscious and unconscious loyalties, we can live our personal and individual journey without burdens that do not belong to us. With the healing of our ancestors, we give one of the best gifts to our children and future family, because with our own healing we also heal our children and family in many ways. If you need to have a respectful and healthy relationship with your family members, this therapy is for you. 1 hour and 30 minutes. This service is only in person, face-to-face.

Detalles del contacto

+1 (706) 202-3021

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